Blythewood Landscape Management is able to handle large-scale tree removal to light tree pruning. Here are a few of the many reasons to perform seasonal tree pruning and maintenance procedures.

 promote longevity and strength of trees

improves appearance of your property

avoids the risk of damage caused by falling limbs

clearance for vehicles or foot traffic

controlling size, shape and appearance of trees

prevent issues with future branch structure

remove damaged, diseased or dead branches


Techniques We Follow

Dominant Leader: We maintain a dominant stem as the strongest and main branch of the tree and do not prune it back or allow secondary branches to outgrow it. Branches whose size are almost half the trunk diameter will be removed or bent down. 

Branch Structure: We leave secondary branches along the larger branches and only remove branches from the edge of the tree.

Pruning young trees is often crucial to establishing their future branch structure. Their temporary branches should be pruned just enough to where they are not competing with permanent branches. When the tree grows taller, its lower branches should be removed gradually. If young trees are properly pruned, they are unlikely to need more pruning when grown.

Newly planted trees should be left alone unless there are broken or damaged branches. Their initial growth is an important time for their leaves and shoot tips to grow and direct nutrients to their roots.

General Pruning Procedures

  • Loose bark from the edges of a wound will be carefully trimmed back in order to heal the remaining bark through the nutrients of the sapwood and leave a smooth surface.
  • If there are old wounds, especially with newly formed tissue or callous they should be left to heal naturally.
  • We will never remove more than 1/4 of a tree’s branch at a time, rather we make small pruning cuts gradually.
  • We will never cut the branch flush with the trunk. This damages the branch collar, which is important as a protective tissue for properly healing the wound left after pruning. Nothing should be applied to the surface of the cut. The tree possesses nutrients that will bring back its health and strength efficiently. Tree wound dressing, paint or shellac can shelter disease organisms that slow the healing process.

Crown Thinning

  • selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement in the crown, or canopy of a tree
  • reduces wind damage
  • thinning enables the portion of the branch left to become dominant and stronger

Crown Raising

  • the removal of lower branches, often done to allow for foot or vehicle traffic
  • at least 2/3 of the total height of the tree must still have living branches afterward
  • Street trees require 16 feet for clearance for trucks, 8 feet for lawn trees for foot traffic

Crown Reduction

  • proper removal of upper branches when the tree has become too tall
  • We will never top a shade tree to control its size. Removing large branches or trunks from tree tops leaves stubs. Not making proper pruning cuts causes the growth of many weak branches that may break off when they become heavy and wood rots become likely.
  • If a tall tree must be shortened, we will use the crown reduction pruning entire branches at their point of origin.
  • Tipping procedure should will not be used (cutting lateral branches between nodes or buds to reduce crown width rather than cutting back a node or crotch).

Source: University of Maryland Extension | Home & Garden Information Center