Have you noticed any weeds in your mulch beds or on your turf? If so, fear not. We are in route to knock them out. Each season, especially during April, weeds of all kinds are on our radar!

Although a certain weed may be showing itself, it may not be time to treat it just yet. When it comes to weed treatment, timing is key and depends on the species of weed. It also largely depends on weather and temperature, rather than a specific calendar date.

One way of measuring the appropriate time to treat a certain weed is through monitoring ‘Growing Degree Days’ or GDD. This is the number of days since January 1st (of the current year) that the average temperature is greater than the minimum temperature needed for a certain plant to develop and grow. Most woody plants have a base temperature of 50°F for growth. However, from one plant (or weed) to the next, this base temperature may vary. We strive to carefully follow the GDD the plants on each landscape we service, along with many other factors to determine the best time to treat. 

This Spring 2022, the GDD is lower than average for many weeds due to the number of cooler nights incurred. This means plant growth is beginning later or has not been efficient because it has been halted by fluctuating or lower temps. Again, timing of treatment is key and if done too early it can have no impact or can be damaging to annual flowers or surrounding growth that we want to sustain. 

Dandelions are one of the most common weeds that we fight each year in Maryland and Virginia. They are best treated in early Fall or late Spring and the goal is to treat after they flower and before they spread seed. Treating them when they first sprout would be too early.

Aside from dandelions, some of the weeds that are on our mind and should not be on your landscape include deadnettle, clovers, or crabgrass.

Hopefully, you are not seeing any or too many of these on your property. We are winning the battle against the temperatures that affect weed growth and treatment timing. But, of course, Spring will inevitably bring persistent little weeds along with it. If you are seeing any of them on your landscape, know that you will see us too!